Harnessing the power of the subconscious mind by combining psychotherapy with Energy Psychology
Please Note: Although great strides have been made recently to demonstrate the efficacy of Emotional Freedom Techniques and other Energy Psychology modalities, they are still considered to be Complimentary & Alternative Modalities (CAM). Energy Psychology has generated an increasing amount of research over the past few years and is well on it’s way to being considered an “evidence-based” therapy. I encourage you to research EFT and the other Energy Psychology modalities to determine if they might be of benefit to you. By continuing to explore this website, you represent you have read, understand and agree to the terms of this disclaimer.
“Subconscious patterns are running in the background of your life all the time, affecting what you think, feel, believe, and do.”
Energy Psychology is a collection of mind-body techniques that work to clear emotional connections to trauma, negative experiences, and unpleasant thoughts that may cause stress and anxiety in your life by clearing the patterns from the subconscious mind. While your conscious mind is only 5% of your overall consciousness at any given moment, your subconscious mind is 95% of your overall consciousness. Which means 95% of what is driving your depression, anxiety, and unhappiness comes from your subconscious mind.
What Is The subconscious minD?
The subconscious mind is your store house of everything that has ever happened in your life. It is your history book. It records information, details and makes associations so the conscious mind can access these at a later time. Your subconscious also stores your perceptions, beliefs, habits, and emotions.
The subconscious mind houses your conditioned patterns of beliefs, thoughts, stories, and ways of responding to life. These patterns come from your family, ancestors, culture and experiences from before birth and throughout your life. These subconscious patterns are running in the background of your life all the time, affecting what you think, feel, believe, and do. Working with energetic modalities found in Energy Psychology clears patterns that are in the subconscious mind so that old patterns or emotional wounds, that could take years to work through, can be transformed more quickly and easily.
I use the techniques of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) “tapping”, Reiki, New Consciousness Energy Healing, and Five Elements Clearings to help you make changes in your subconscious programming. All modalities can be used remotely. Other modalities that harness the power of the subconscious mind include mediation, creative expression such as art, and vibrational therapies such as flower essences.
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)
EFT (often known as Tapping or EFT Tapping), is a powerful therapeutic tool utilizing the meridian system of the body that can provide impressive results for a variety of issues. EFT operates on the premise that no matter what part of your life needs improvement, there are unresolved emotional issues either causing or contributing to the problem. It is commonly accepted in the world of energy psychology that unresolved emotional stress can impede both healing and performance. The reason we say they are unresolved is that any negative experience can be stored in the body and continue affecting the way we handle new experiences. Using a clinical form of EFT, the specific events that support the presenting problem and the emotions, physical feelings & thoughts associated with them would be addressed individually, thereby increasing the likelihood of resolution of the problem altogether.
EFT can also be used in its palliative form to assist in calming the nervous system during a stressful event and clients are taught how to use EFT at home for this purpose. While in session palliative EFT may be used in conjunction with the clinical application of EFT which addresses the underlying events and associated thoughts and emotions.
Reiki has been around for thousands of years and it aims to help the flow of energy and remove energy blocks in the body. Improving the flow of energy in around the body can enable relaxation and clear energy blocks on a subconscious level. Many people have heard of Reiki and it is used in hospitals for pain control, healing and relaxation. I utilize Reiki in a distance form which allows you to receive the benefit without being physically touched or present in the room. Your subconscious mind knows where you need to be healed, and it does all the work while you either focus on what is disturbing you or simply relax.
New consciousness Energy Healing
To use the New Consciousness Energy Healing technique you call to mind whatever is disturbing you - it can be items that relate to any aspect of your life such as fears, phobias, worries, difficult experiences or limiting beliefs and while focusing on the difficulty we clear it on a subconscious level. Many people find that they feel lighter and less bothered by the previous difficulty even after a few sessions.
five elements clearing
Five Elements Clearing utilizes Five Elements Theory found in acupuncture. This technique focuses on the elements of fire, earth, water, wood and metal. Each of these elements are associated with certain emotions and aspects of our physical body. While clearing any difficult emotions or experiences from each of these elements you simply allow the subconscious mind to do the work for you.